Friday, September 2, 2011

Inspiration from the Couch

I've been under the weather and on the couch for the last two days, probably a result of either over exposure to nature on Mt. Namsan (see previous post) or a virus from the airplane, contracted during my 24 hour odyssey to get here. As a result, I discovered these wonderfully inspirational videos by independent film maker Rick Mereki. They so beautifully show the art of travel and living abroad.

I should be feeling up to par tomorrow and will be back out in the field. In the mean time, be inspired!
Move, Eat and Learn!

 MOVE by Rick Mereki


 LEARN by Rick Mereki

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you finally made it over there. I like the fact that you are getting involved in the area and not just being an ex-pat.

    Let me know when you see the cuttle fish hanging out to dry. Now that is an interesting site, along with the granny panties and boxes.

